Welcome everyone to our very first game review!
Today it’s all about the new game of Might & Delight, Shelter 2

As a big fan of the original Shelter game, I’ve been looking forward to play Shelter 2 ever since it was announced.
A big thank you goes to the Might & Delight team for letting us have a copy before launch.
But enough with the introductions, let’s jump right into the game!
Starting off as a pregnant Lynx, you try to escape a pack of hungry wolves. As you escape the dangerous chase safely, the stars are calling you. Following them leads you to a den, warm and safe. Finally you’ve found shelter, the perfect place to bear your kittens.

You even get to name the little furballs! Isn’t that just adorable? I named mine after the other members of the Playful Oasis team. Let’s see if one of my kitty colleagues will get eaten by predators or starve. Of course we don’t want that to happen!
In my freshly baked role as mother Lynx, proud and strong, I head out into the green, unknown world.
After countless failed attempts and already declaring myself as a failure as a mother I finally did it. I CAUGHT A RABBIT, YES!

My babies devoured the prey hungrily. I would have never thought that a bloodstained animal could actually look cute, but d’aww look at their dirty little paws.

Now come on my minions, uhm, children, let’s go see the world!

Seasons passed quickly as I explored the vast lands with my little familiy. I grew into my role as a mother and my children grew in size.

My personal hunting highlight happened just at the beginning of winter, when I was afraid there might be not enough food around. I caught my first deer AND a rabbit in just one jump. My children were so proud of me.

It seemed like the blink of an eye when suddenly my children started to outgrow me. They even started to catch frogs on their own! I felt that soon, the time would come to part ways. We celebrated our remaining time together with a little family trip to “the beach”.

Suddenly it happened, on a cool autumn morning, when I just wanted to head back towards our den. All my precious children stood there, rooted to the spot and looked at me. I called for them, as I did so many times before, but they didn’t answer me. The time of separation had come. I turned around and ran away as fast as I could, not looking back.

Lying down on the wet grass I remembered all our adventures, the good and the bad times. Goodbye Ellie, Tom, Konrad and Dani, I thought you all I could, now it’s your turn to walk this world.

As the game ends you get the option to start a new family, one of your cups taking on the role as parent. I was very lucky that all my babies survived, else they wouldn’t be available for a new playround.

In terms of longtime motivation, Shelter 2 offers a huge amount of collectibles. During this first playround I only found very few. They are spread all over the world and finding them all is quite a challenge!

Ok, time for conclusion and rating. Here are my pros and cons:
+ Beautiful graphics, especially the shader effects
+ The feeling of a living world
+ Awesome setting and role
– Movement controls
– Orientation
– Understandability of UI elements
After a few understandability and movement control issues in the beginning, I really enjoyed my stay in the world of Shelter 2. There are a few things I would have liked to see (more individual characters for the kittens for example). However, all in all the game offers a great and unique experience.
A worthy successor for the Shelter series! My rating: 3/4 clover leaves

Shelter 2 will be released on Monday, 9rd March.
I recommend: Head over to steam and buy it 😀